CLA - Università di Napoli

Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II

Since 2012, CLA has been DITALS exams centre. The Research and Services Centre for DITALS at the University for Foreigners of Siena was established in 2005 with the aim of conducting all the activities required for the issuance of the Certification of Competence in Teaching Italian to Foreigners. This certification attests to the possession of theoretical and practical skills necessary to perform the role of an Italian language teacher for foreigners. To achieve this goal, the Centre conducts research and studies for the design, development, production, administration, correction, and evaluation of the tests provided in the DITALS certification exams at both Level I and Level II.

For further information, select one of the options below or contact Fabrizia Venuta at +39 081-2534699 or via email at .

What is DITALS BASE and who is it for.
DITALS BASE: Access prerequisites.
What is DITALS LEVEL I and who is it for:.
DITALS Level I: Access prerequisites.
Obtaining a higher-level DITALS certification.
What is DITALS Level II and who is it for:.
DITALS Level II: Access prerequisites.
Certification DITALS Digital.
Exam dates.
Partial or Total Retake of Unsuccessful Exams.
Registration procedures.


What is DITALS BASE and who is it for

The DITALS BASE certification is an examination that attests to initial competence in teaching Italian to foreigners. It is specifically designed for non-native Italian language teachers and, in general, for anyone preparing to take on the role of teaching Italian as a second language (L2).


DITAL BASE: access prerequisites

To access the DITALS BASE exam, it is necessary to have at least one of the following requirements:
- High school diploma (valid for admission to university in the country where it was obtained). 
- For non-Italian native candidates, proficiency in the Italian language at level B2 is required, certified by one of the following:
- International certification 
- Secondary school diploma of I and II degree obtained in Italy or at Italian schools abroad
- Degree in Italian studies obtained abroad.


What is DITALS LEVEL I and who is it for:

The DITALS Level I certification is an examination that attests to specific competence in teaching Italian to foreigners, aimed at a specific profile of recipients along with basic competence in the field of language teaching. It is not possible to register for more than one learner profile among those listed:
- Children 
- Adolescents 
- Adults and seniors
- Immigrants 
- University students 
- Learners of Italian origin
- Learners of homogeneous mother tongue: Chinese, Arabic, Japanese, Russian, German
- Tourist-hotel operators Catholic religious U.S. students (University Study Abroad)
- Catholic religious
- U.S. students (University Study Abroad)


DITALS Level I: Access prerequisites



For non-Italian nativecandidates, possession of at least one of the following titles is required:
- International certification of Italian at level C1 of the CEFR
- Secondary school diploma of I and II degree or higher obtained in Italy or at Italian schools abroad.
- Italian First-Degree diploma from the University for Foreigners of Siena
- Degree in Italian studies obtained abroad.

For all candidates, inaddition to the linguistic competences mentioned above, access to the DITALSLevel I certification exam requires:

- Bachelor's degree/High school diploma (valid for admission to university in the country where it was obtained)
- Glottodidactic training (minimum 24 hours), which can be satisfied by one of the following paths: participation in the DITALS Level I orientation course at the University for Foreigners of Siena, attendance of 2 online modules organized by the DITALS Centre - University for Foreigners of Siena, participation in an in-person orientation course at DITALS-monitored entities, participation in a university course in the disciplinary scientific sector L-LIN02 equivalent to at least 3 ECTS credits and passing the final exam
- Declaration attesting to teaching activity carried out in one of the following ways: 1. Sixty hours of teaching Italian language in classes for foreigners; 2. Sixty hours of internship* in Italian classes for foreigners, in Italy or abroad; 3. Sixty hours of teaching any subject at any type of public or private entity or school (including voluntary organizations), of which at least 15 hours in classes of Italian for foreigners**.
- The internship can be conducted at one of the following locations: Ristori Middle School (Via Lucrezia d'Alagno) Naples - School of Peace - Via Foria, 93 Naples - Koinè Association - Via Campanella, 9, 80034 Marigliano **The required teaching hours can be cumulative as long as they are included in the above-mentioned categories.



Obtaining a higher-level DITALS certification


For those who have theDITALS BASE certification and wish to take the DITALS Level I exam, thefollowing prerequisites are required:

- Linguistic competences:
- For non-Italian native candidates, certification of Italian language competence at level C1 is required.
Glottodidactic training attested by one of the following titles:
- Orientation course of at least 6 hours, focused on the learner profile for which the exam is intended.
- API module.
- Passing a university exam in the disciplinary scientific sector L-LIN/02 equivalent to at least 3 ECTS credits. Candidates holding the DITALS Level I certification (or CEDILS and DILS certifications) can access the DITALS Level II exam based on one of the following paths:
- Linguistic competences: For non-Italian native candidates, possession of a C2 level of competence in Italian language is required.
- Bachelor's degree in any area of at least three years + experience (consisting of: 60 hours of teaching Italian to foreigners in Italy or abroad, as indicated in note a and in addition to the hours already completed to access Level I, or supervised internship in Italian classes for foreigners carried out exclusively at Universities, IICs, and DITALS-monitored entities or API course - Propaedeutic Activity to Teaching compare note c) + training on the management of the L2 Italian class (through: 1 additional module of at least 6 hours on test D, compare note b, or by passing a university exam in the disciplinary scientific sector L-LIN02 equivalent to at least 6 ECTS credits).
- Glottodidactic Training: At least 6 hours of integrative glottodidactic training acquired in one of the following ways: • DITALS course on Classroom Management at the University for Foreigners of Siena • DITALS course on Classroom Management at DITALS-monitored entities • DITALS online module on Classroom Management • Passing a university exam in the glottodidactic area of at least 3 ECTS credits.
- Teaching Experience: At least 60 hours of teaching Italian to foreigners or internship in Italian classes for foreigners in Italy or abroad (note b) or complete API path, in addition to the hours already completed to access the DITALS Level I exam. Note b: The internship in Italian classes for foreigners can be conducted at schools, universities, Italian cultural institutes, and DITALS-monitored entities. In the event that the candidate has completed the required hours at entities not belonging to the Italian public administration, they must attach to the exam registration request a report prepared by the scientific supervisor, containing:
- Brief CV of the scientific supervisor of the entity.
- Duration of teaching hours and learner profile.
- Brief evaluation by the scientific supervisor of the course and the outcomes achieved by the teacher. As an alternative to teaching hours in L2 Italian, it is proposed to accept any type of internship in L2 Italian classes and not only "monitored" internships, i.e. conducted at public entities, universities, and entities affiliated with the University for Foreigners of Siena.




Exam fee:


For the completion of the exam, payment of a pre-fee is required, simultaneous with registration, and a subsequent fee contingent on the acceptance of the candidacy. The pre-registration fee is paid for the submission of the application and the evaluation of qualifications; if the candidate is not eligible for the exam, this fee will not be refunded. In case of partial or total retake of the exam, the pre-fee does not need to be repaid. Any withdrawal from the exam can only be made within 25 days from the exam date.
1. DITALS Base € 90 + € 20 pre-fee € 30 for each section to be retaken.
2. DITALS Level I: € 150 + € 20 pre-fee € 50 for each section to be retaken.
3. DITALS Level II: € 220 + € 40 pre-fee € 55 for each section to be retaken.
Payment must be made by bank transfer to:
University of Naples Federico II University Language Centre IBAN: IT30Q0306903496100000300051
In the reason for payment, specify surname, name, date of birth, "exam name + session (e.g., DITALS Level II July 17, 2023)" at CLA Federico II.
NOTE a) List of recognized entities for the completion of teaching hours:
• IN ITALY: State schools, State universities, CPIA, ASILS Schools, DITALS affiliated and monitored entities, CILS affiliated entities.
• ABROAD: State schools, State universities, IIC, managing entities, Italian schools abroad, DITALS affiliated and monitored entities, CILS affiliated entities. In the case of entities not belonging to the above categories, the candidate must attach to the exam registration request a report prepared by the scientific supervisor, containing:
• Brief CV of the scientific supervisor of the entity.
• Duration of teaching hours and learner profile.
• Brief evaluation by the scientific supervisor of the course and the outcomes achieved by the teacher.
NOTE b) The requirement can be satisfied through the attendance of the Classroom Management module offered online by the University for Foreigners of Siena or in person in Siena (6 hours) or, again, at one of our monitored entities in Italy or abroad.
NOTE c) The monitored internship activity in classes of Italian for foreigners can be conducted entirely online at the University for Foreigners of Siena, through the API (Propaedeutic Activity to Teaching).



What is DITALS Level II and who is it for:

The DITALS Level IIcertification attests to advanced competence in teaching Italian to foreignersand is aimed at teachers who operate in any teaching context and with any groupof learners.
"The Ministry ofEducation, University and Research, with the Director-General's Decree forSchool Personnel No. 82 of September 24, 2012: announcement of competitions forpositions and chairs, by qualifications and exams, aimed at recruiting teachingstaff in preschools, primary schools, lower and upper secondary schools, hasprovided for the recognition of 0.25 points only to the GlottodidacticCertification of Level II (DITALS Certification of Level II).


DITALS Level II: Access prerequisites

For non-Italian native candidates, possession of at least one of the following titles is required:
• International certification of Italian at level C1 of the CEFR
• Secondary school diploma of I and II degree or higher obtained in Italy or at Italian schools abroad.
• Italian First-Degree diploma from the University for Foreigners of Siena
• Degree in Italian studies obtained abroad.
For all candidates, in addition to the linguistic competences mentioned above, access to the DITALS Level II certification exam requires:
• Bachelor's degree of at least three years in any field
• Glottodidactic training (minimum 30 hours), which can be satisfied by one of the following paths: participation in the DITALS Level I orientation course at the University for Foreigners of Siena, attendance of 3 online modules organized by the DITALS Centre - University for Foreigners of Siena, participation in an in-person orientation course at DITALS-monitored entities, participation in a university course in the disciplinary scientific sector L-LIN02 equivalent to at least 6 ECTS credits and passing the final exam
• Declaration attesting to at least 300 qualified hours (see note) of teaching Italian to foreigners in Italy or abroad (The attested hours must be actual teaching hours, carried out autonomously by the candidate, and therefore no form of internship will be accepted).


Partial or Total Retake of Unsuccessful Exams

Candidates who do not achieve the minimum score in some of the sections of the completed exam can retake the tests related to the insufficient sections within three years from the date they first took the exam.
Registration Procedures:
Registrations for exams take place approximately two months before the exam date. The candidate must send the registration form and the following documents to Fabrizia Venuta or at the address
• Copy of the ID card
• Certificates of teaching activity conducted and, for DITALS Level II, the final certificate, and the program of the eventual university glottodidactic course attended.
• Proof of payment of the pre-fee
The evaluation of applications is conducted directly by the DITALS Centre, which will communicate the list of admitted candidates approximately two weeks before the exam date. Candidates will be immediately notified by email of the acceptance of their application and must proceed immediately and within a maximum of 7 days from the exam date to payment of the exam fee by bank transfer. To complete the registration, it is necessary to send the receipt of the bank transfer to

Partial or Total Retake of Unsuccessful Exams
A candidate who does not achieve the minimum score in some of the sections of the completed exam may retake the tests related to the insufficient sections within three years from the date they first took the exam.


Registration Procedures:

Registrations for exams take place approximately two months before the exam date. The candidate must send the registration form and the following documents to Fabrizia Venuta or at the address
• Copy of the ID card
• Certificates of teaching activity conducted, and, for DITALS Level II, the final certificate, and the program of the eventual university glottodidactic course attended.
• Proof of payment of the pre-fee
The evaluation of applications is conducted directly by the DITALS Centre, which will communicate the list of admitted candidates approximately two weeks before the exam date. Candidates will be immediately notified by email of the acceptance of their application and must proceed immediately and within a maximum of 7 days from the exam date to the payment of the exam fee by bank transfer. To complete the registration, it is necessary to send the receipt of the bank transfer to
Access the Forms


Certification DITALS Digital


Starting from 2023, the DITALS Centre has established the new Digital DITALS Certification designed for L2 Italian teachers in various teaching-learning contexts with good competence in teaching Italian to foreigners. The knowledge and skills assessed concern the use of modern digital technologies applied to the teaching of Italian as a foreign language, with the following characteristics:
PREREQUISITES: Required prerequisites are a) Passing the DITALS Level I Certification (or an equivalent certification, or a higher-level one: DITALS Level II, CEDILS, DILS-PG, or a master's degree in L2 Italian teaching, or a diploma from a specialization school in L2 Italian teaching) b) Possession of a basic ECDL certification.
COST AND REGISTRATION: The cost of the exam is €90.00 plus €20.00 as the first fee. Registration must be done within 20 days of the exam date, using the link that will be created for this certification. For registration procedures, click here.
EXAM STRUCTURE: The "DITALS Digital" Certification is divided into two sections A and B, which allow evaluating both the knowledge and skills of candidates on the use of modern digital technologies applied to the teaching of Italian as a foreign language. Section A consists of a battery of 20 closed-ended questions on theoretical-scientific knowledge, including: 5 true/false; 10 multiple-choice questions with 3 options, and 5 multiple-choice questions with 5 options. Section B, focused on operational skills (a case study that assesses didactic planning), consists of an open-ended question containing the presentation of a scenario based on which to plan a didactic intervention involving the use of the most suitable technologies. The answer will consist of a text of a minimum of 450 words and a maximum of 500 words, which will be evaluated based on these parameters: formal correctness, completeness of information and relevance to the prompt, development of the topic, stylistic appropriateness, originality and personal contribution, appropriate citations. The exam duration is 2 hours. For the reference bibliography, click here.



Exam dates


19th July 2024: bookings from 8th May to 7th June 2024) (withdrawals within 7th June 2024)
22th November 2024: bookings from 13th September to 2nd October 2024) (withdrawals within 2nd October 2024)

25th October 2024: booking from 5th to 30th June 2024 (withdrawals within 30th June 2024)

DITALS di I livello:
19th July 2024 (adults and immigrants): booking form 8th May to 1st June 2024) (withdrawals within 1st June 2024)
22nd November 2024: booking form 13th September to 2nd October 2024) (withdrawals within 2nd October 2024)

DITALS di II livello:
19th July 2024: booking from 8th May to 1st June 2024) (withdrawals within 1st June 2024)

25th October 2024: booking from 5th to 30th June 2024 (withdrawals within the 30th June 2024)