CLA - Università di Napoli

Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II

The University Language Center is a center accredited by Educational Testing Service for the provision of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC).

For all the informations about the certifications please contact Dott. Ssa Fabrizia Venuta at  e-mail:certficazioni.cla@unina.itor phone : 081-2534011.

What is TOEFL and who's the test for.
The TOEFL iBT Home Edition.
TOEFL: Examination fee and registration.
What is Toefl junior.
What is TOEIC and what is for.
TOEIC: test description.
TOEIC: Examination dates.
TOEIC: Examination fee and registration.
TOEIC: Results and certificates.

What is TOEFL and who's the test for

The internet-based TOEFL (iBT) test assesses the  ability to use and understand academic English and the ability to combine the four skills (listening, reading, speaking and writing) for academic purposes. 
At the CLA the test is delivered on the computer.

The TOEFL iBT is addressed to:
- students who intend to study at a foreign university
- students who must support admission or complete an English language learning program
- candidates for scholarships and certifications
- English language students who want to certify their progress
- students and workers who intend to apply for a residence permit.

Every year, the TOEFL is taken worldwide by about one million people of all ages and has already had more than 25 million candidates. For more info click HERE

TOEFL has been enhanced! For more information click here.


The TOEFL iBT Home Edition

In response to the needs expressed by institutions and test takers, the TOEFL iBT® Home Edition will become a continuing part of the TOEFL® portfolio. Candidates now have the permanent option to test at either a test center or at home.
The TOEFL iBT Home Edition  is the real TOEFL iBT test. It is not an indicator, approximation or a practice test.It has the same features of the TOEFL iBT test taken at a test center with: the same content and format, the same on-screen experience, the same features (like MyBest® scores) and instant scoring of Reading and Listening sections, the same price and payment options, the same scoring and score reports.
The  TOEFL iBT test uses 100% academic English; the same language used at university. And, with its high-quality test design and centralized scoring by trained raters, it is also 100% fair and unbiased, which gives your students — and admissions officers — confidence in their scores.



TOEFL: Examination fee and registration

Candidates must independently register for the exam on The exam fee is $ 280 and payment must be done on the same site within one week of the exam date by credit card.

The next date calendar is:

- Wednesday 16Th October 2024 (9:00 A.M., candidates must be at exam venue at 8:40 A.M.)

- Wednesday 20th November 2024 (9:00 A.M., candidates must be at exam venue at 8:40 A.M.)

Wednesday 2nd December 2024 (9:00 A.M., candidates must be at exam venue at 8:40 A.M.)

Admission to the exam depends on the availability of places, which are limited to 10 for each session. Upon enrollment, by selecting the Federico II University as the exam site, you will be able to see the places available for the chosen session.
When enrolling for a test, you have to select the exam date chosen by clicking in a month calendar. If you have to chose a month different from the one visualized, please click and move horizontally until visualized the month of interest.


TOEFL: Exam Location


The TOEFL will take place at the University Language Center located in via Mezzocannone 8, 4th floor, (entrance from via Paladino, 2nd floor). On the day of the exam, candidates must arrive at 8.30 with a valid identity document. The start of the test is at 9.00.


TOEFL: Results, certificates and more info


Approximately 15 working days after taking the test, each candidate will be able to verify the  result  by accessing this website. The  original certificate will be sent directly to the address provided by the candidate. More info


What is TOEFL junior?


The TOEFL Junior is aimed at all children  between the ages of 11 and 15 years old  (lower-secondary schools and first years of secondary schools).  TOEFL junior measures the level achieved by younger students in learning English.This test assesses listening and reading skills.Therefore, since it does not assess speaking and writing skills, it does not have any international certification value (differently from TOEFL).
However, it is an extremely useful tool for a first approach to international certification of children between 11 and 15 years old and for the evaluation and monitoring of the level of English possessed for the purposes of preparing for an international certification.


What is TOEIC and what is for

TOEIC is an exam aiming at evaluate candidates' ability in using English in  real-life work settings in international environments (meetings, travels, telephone conversations, etc). It aims at evaluate candates' English knowledge for studying and working purposes.
What are the differences with TOEFL ibt? The TOEFL test ibt is a test mostly required by universities that hold courses in English, but also by state agencies, international organisations and companies for exchanging programmes and scholarship grants. The test has fixed dates set at international level; results are released within 15 days from the exam. The TOEIC test is mostly used to enrich candidates' curriculum or for job or study applications. The TOEIC is also used by organisations to determine whether an employee is suitable for a particular task. TOEIC dates are determined by the University Language Centre.


TOEIC: test description

The TOEIC test is computer-based and is made of two parts. It is possible to take one or both parts. The candidate can retake the part for which he/she hasn't obtained the expected result within six month paying the relative tax fee.
The Listening and Reading test lasts 2 hours and evaluate listening and reading abilities to use English in a working context, using idioms and everyday English.
The Speaking and Writing test lasts 1 hour and 20 minutes and evaluate speaking and writing abilities to use English in a working context, using idioms and everyday English. It verifies: pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and fluency. The Speaking section lasts about 20 minutes and is made up of 11 questions. The Writing section  evaluates vocabulary, grammar, coherence and narrative buildup. It lasts 60 minutes and is made up of  8 questions.


TOEIC: Examination dates


The new 2023 tests calendar will be pubblished soon.

Candidates have to enroll writing to EAS Milan. No test for technical requirements is needed on the candidate's PC before the exam. No later than 24 hours before the exam, candidates will receive an instruction e-mail from EAS Milan.
Before test date the direction for international language certifications will verify that the candidates enrolled as students are enrolled at the University Federico II. In case they are not, they will not take the exam and will be refunded of the exam fee paid.


TOEIC: Examination fee and registration

There are two different prices, one for school and university students (SS) and one for external candidates (P):

TOEIC Listening & Reading€104 (SS) -€116 (P)
TOEIC Speaking and Writing€110 (SS) - €122 (P)
TOEIC Listening & Reading, Speaking and Writing (Bundle):  €165(SS) - €177 (P) 

For sessions that take place remotely, candidates will have to make a request writing to To register for a test run at CLA please click on the link of interest within two days before exam date:

TOEIC Listening & Reading
TOEIC Speaking and Writing
TOEIC Listening & Reading, Speaking and Writing (Bundle)

After the registration candidate will receive an  e-mail with a free access to an exam simulation to familiarize and prepare for the test. Each candidate may have access to exam simulation only once.

TOEIC: Results and certificates

For all online TOEIC® tests, the score is available on the candidate's online account a few hours after the session.
The certificate wil be received at the Language Centre three working days after the exam and should be collected by the candidate. The candidate can delegate someone to collect the certificate writing an e-mail to Mrs.Venuta specifying name and surname of the delegate. Speaking and Writing results will be send to the Language Centre ten working days after the exam.

For more info click here.

