PROMENADE is a lexicon with the same meaning in several languages: with it, in French, in English and Italian it is famously designated a promenade and also but not necessarily the promenade (promenade des Anglais à Nice).
The PROMENADE project has, as its main objective, to conduct an ideal walk along the streets of Naples describing and, thus, enhancing its artistic-cultural heritage, which will be presented – in French and English – by students of the Frideridian community enrolled in the DSU Language and Literature Course.
Specifically, the goal is to edit videos in which students present the monuments of the city in the two languages, after creating an original text articulated around five axes : context (neighborhood), history, exterior, interior, anecdote.
These videos that can be consulted online will allow to respond to the needs of transparency and accessibility defined by the University of Federiciano as open access resources. In this way, both the tourist community, which increasingly chooses Naples as a cultural holiday destination, and the Neapolitan citizens themselves eager to (re)discover their city, will benefit.