CLA - Università di Napoli

Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II

Multilingual Slam Poetry Event Regulations

1. Event Objective:

The Multilingual Slam Poetry event is organized with the aim of promoting linguistic and cultural diversity through poetic expression. We create an inclusive space where artists can share their works in various languages and inspire each other. 

2. Modes of Participation:

To participate, register here. Each participant is invited to bring along a personal object that represents something they love in life, as in Estellés' poetry.

There are three modes of participation, each mutually exclusive:

Visual Poetry: Artists may propose visual poems inspired by Estellés' composition, transforming poetic suggestions into evocative images. Any videos presented must not exceed one minute in duration and must be in mp4 format.
Rewriting of Estellés' Poetry: Artists can reinterpret Estellés' poetry in a new form, providing a personal interpretation of his work. The proposed text must respect the original poem's structure.
Original and Unpublished Poetic Composition: Artists can present original and unpublished poetic compositions, freely expressing their emotions and thoughts in any desired language.

3. Multilingualism:

The multilingual aspect of the event is emphasized, encouraging participation in various languages to promote cultural and linguistic diversity.

5. Respect and Civility:

Participants are required to respect other participants, the audience, and event staff. Vulgar language or any expression that does not adhere to norms of good conduct will be censored.

6. Publication and Distribution:

Organizers reserve the right to record and publish event performances for promotional and documentation purposes. Artists retain all rights to their works.

7. Date and Venue:

The event will take place on [22 march] at the University Language Center, Via Mezzocannone, 8.
For further information and registration, please contact