CLA - Università di Napoli

Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II


Please click here for registration form
The registration fee to attend the conference is €75. The conference fee includes t
he conference bag, coffee breaks and lunch. 
For those who cannot attend in person, it will also be possible to join the conference online, but presenting papers will not be allowed in this format. Online attendance is free of charge.
Those interested in participating online can request the conference link via email by 16 April and it will be provided accordingly.

Means of payment

Please, arrange a money transfer as follows:

Account (IBAN): IT23C0306967684577783448865
Amount: €75 + 40 if you intend to join the social dinner)

Kindly send an email to, attaching the receipt of your payment.  

Please note that we do not have facilities for payment of the registration fee at the conference registration desk. Also, payments must be made in Euros via (international) bank transfer, using the provided bank account. All banking costs, including exchange rate fees, should be covered by the participant.
For any queries regarding payment, please contact the Organising Committee at

If you need an invoice for reimbursement by your university, please provide the tax code of your university if requested.  All participants, including those not presenting a paper, must register.  Your personal data will be used exclusively for purposes connected with the conference, in compliance with the current Italian Data Protection Law (D.Lgs. 196/03).